The Mission of Wise Wives Win

Wise Wives Win equips, educates, elevates, and empowers women to accept the challenge of reconnecting with self and winning by making internal changes that leads to the external transformation of self, marriage, and family.

Wise Wives Win is just around the corner!

Orientation begins February 6th at 6pm CST
Get ready for this life changing experience.

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This Program Isn’t...

Warning! The Wise Wives Win program is NOT a program that focuses on providing tools and strategies that will "fix" your marriage.  Nor does the Wise Wives Win program claim to lay out the framework for the top things a wife needs to do so her husband will be "fixed."  Additionally, the Wise Wives Win program does NOT provide tips and tactics on changing your husband to be the person you need him to be.

However, Wise Wives Win prides itself on being a program and blueprint that understands that before a marriage or a husband can be "fixed" or changed, the first point of changing that needs to take place will always start with yourself. Therefore, 80% of this program focuses on the inner work of the wife:  the shifted mindsets, personal growth, and self-accountability that lead to the inner transformation of who she is as a woman first, which then influences how she shows up as a wife, which overflows and affects her marriage.  A wise wife wins by understanding the value and doing the inner work to be a healthy and whole woman, so she can be a healthy and whole wife. 

Take A Sneak Peak...

Check out a few of our modules!

  • Girl, He is your Husband…Not your God!

    Examining the expectations that we have of our husbands is crucial. Sometimes we are expecting our husbands to fulfill roles that he wasn't created to do and we find ourselves hurt, angry, and frustrated when he doesn't rise to those unrealistic expectations. Our husbands should complement us, but they can't complete us.

  • Break Free from that SOB!

    We don't have time to be attached to any kind of SOB's! LOL! And this kind will certainly leave you looking at your marriage and husband from an unhealthy, glass-half-empty perspective. When we break free from that SOB, obstacles turn into opportunities!

  • Keeping it Fun, Flirty, Femi, & oh-so Frisky!

    Oh, you thought you were going to do all that inner work and not get to enjoy the fruits of your labor? No ma'am! You've done the hard work and now it's time to get back to (and STAY!) who you were before issues crept in. This module is all about awakening and bringing forth that inner cutie who has been lying dormant, yearning to come out.

“He who wins souls is wise” - Proverbs

My prayer was answered!! Things DID change! My husband FINALLY changed!!! Buuuut...guess who changed FIRST? MEEEE!

I remember having a full running checklist of everything that was wrong with my marriage and wrong with my husband.  I also had a running mental list of, "if only HE 
 would change this and change that about himself, THEN we could have a chance."  I have vivid memories of conversations with others and with myself, that if HE didn't change, and I quote, "I just don't see how we will make it to see this time next year."

Well, not only did we make it to see that next year, we have (joyfully and lovingly--Praise God!) made it to see many more years!  And not just years of: 
  • being married "on paper," 
  • being more of roommates or two ships passing through the night than spouses, 
  • begrudgingly going through the motions, 
  • criticizing and keeping count,  
  • rolling my eyes about the possibility of things getting better (as well as rolling my eyes at him), 
  • whispering & snickering to my girlfriends on the phone about his latest issue, 
  • venting on how things won't ever get better, 
  • looking at other marriages and wondering why everyone else seemed to be in a happy place, 
  • looking at other husbands saying to myself why couldn't mine be more like him (that's horrible!! I know it!), 
  • and praying that God does something with HIM and changes HIM

I wanted things to CHANGE!   I wanted to go from this unfulfilled version of being discouraged and disconnected, to doting and dating

And booooyy have we been doing some doting and dating!  But before we got there, I had to learn and implement some things.  For all the head knowledge, logic, and quick wit that I had (that wasn't working), the one thing I didn't have and wasn't utilizing....was WISDOM!  

I "won" when I made the decision to do things differently, to think differently, to show up differently, and to hold myself accountable in a different way.

In all honesty, I was expecting my husband to do and be something that I wasn't doing and being for myself. 

And by no means am I suggesting that we never have disagreements or problems that currently arise.  We certainly do!  But those issues look different now because I have put in the work to change myself and to grow.  This has created the atmosphere for my husband to want to go on his own growth journey and make changes that he needed to make, which has changed our marriage, which has changed the type and caliber of issues and problems we face, which has changed how we tackle and resolve them.  

If any of those above bullet points sound familiar (or you are already in a good marital place and want to just gain more tools to become a better you, or you aren't yet married but want to be proactive and work on yourself), then join me and a community of other motivated and determined ladies, as we embark on this eight-week journey.  

I will share with you the exact steps and mindset shifts that I took and continue to take that have taken me from a place of despair and frustration to hope, fulfillment, and excitement. 

The majority of this program covers topics and mindset shifts that will first and foremost challenge and change YOU as a woman first, which then trickles into how you show up as a WIFE, affecting how your HUSBAND then responds to you, influencing your MARRIAGE, and then impacting your whole FAMILY dynamic....all by starting with the change in YOU.

Wise wives will always win because wisdom never fails and prudence always prevails.

See you in class!

- Dr. CleRenda

Investment options

This course entails:
Weekly in-Class Sessions
Weekly Support Calls
Private FaceBook Community
Playback of Sessions

“I'm not married yet, but my drop-in coaching with Dr. CleRenda definitely helped me in understanding how some of my own SOB's have been robbing my thought process. It's the countdown to my wedding and I'm taking these golden nuggets with me and I will be sure to reconnect with CleRenda with more coaching!”

J. White, Luxury Concierge

“I did a full day intensive with Dr. CleRenda and I promise I left a whole new woman (and wife!). She taught me about my SOB's and I see now that my husband played less of a role in our issues that I had been crediting him--lol! He's my boyfriend all over again!”

L. Matthews, Special Education Consultant

“CleRenda has helped me in discovering some of the things that have held me back and those areas that have triggered me, keeping me from enjoying being a wife! I am putting all the tools to use and have enjoyed going from frustrated and easily offended, to enjoying this new spark in life and marriage."”

A. Russel, Executive Producer

Wise Wives Win is just around the corner!

Orientation begins February 6th at 6pm CST
Don't miss out on this life changing experience.

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
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  • Will replays be available?

    Absolutely. The replays and any assignments will be made available with 24-48 hours. You will simply log in and go to the course and click on the module you wish to play.

  • Will I have life time access to the content?

    Yes! You will have access to the content as long as the internet is around. LOL.

  • Is there a schedule for the live classes?

    Yes. The class tentative schedule is as follows:
    2/6 Monday: Orientation @7pm CST
    2/7 Tuesday: Module #1 @7pm CST
    2/9 Thursday: Check In @12pm CST
    2/15 Wednesday: Module #2 @7pm CST
    2/21 Tuesday: Module #3 @7pm CST
    2/23 Thursday: Check In @12pm CST
    2/28 Tuesday: Module #4 @7pm CST
    3/7 Tuesday: Module #5 @7pm CST
    3/9 Thursday: Check In @12pm CST
    3/14 Tuesday: Module #6 @7pm CST
    3/21 Tuesday: Module #7 @7pm CST
    3/23 Thursday: Check In @12pm CST
    3/28 Tuesday: Module #8 @7pm CST
    3/30 Thursday: Course Completion @12pm CST

    *All check in dates are optional for additional support.

  • Is this considered counseling or therapy?

    No. If you are in need of therapy or counseling this space does not provide it. We do offer group coaching, and 1 on 1 coaching opportunities. Please visit

  • After this program, will my marriage change for the better?

    Possibly. I can’t confirm that your marriage will change. However, if each participant truly puts in the work and is intentional about each module, YOU will see changes within yourself, which consequently will flow into your marriage. Change will always start from within, before it extends.